Actividades anexas al transporte
Productos y servicios
Explotación de autopistas de peaje
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Actividades anexas al transporte terrestre
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Actividades anexas al transporte terrestre
Other transportation support activities
Service activities to land transportation
This company, formerly known as Autopistas II, ConcesionariaEspañola, S.A., operates in the motorway business in Spain. It manages a toll motorway network. It was incorporated in 2002 and is based in Barcelona, Spain. The company constructs, operates, and maintains motorways under concession. Its highway services include an operations center, a mechanical assistance, health assistance, weather stations, winter highway administration, traffic control, information panels, cameras, and traffic counters. The company operates as a subsidiary of Abertis Infraestructuras S.A.